Saturday, June 25, 2011

Reynolds/Weir Rehearsal

 What a fantastic couple.  Capturing great people in front my lens makes for a great experience.  This is why I love photography.  Thanks Kim and Walt for choosing Buffy Dowdell Photography to be a part of this awesome weekend!

Just Precious, aren't they?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yayyyy... So it worked

Unbelievable all the gadgets we have this day in age...blogging from mobile devices...that could be whole other post... So anyway, totally made up another recipe today. I have been baking a lot so far this summer but made up a dinner out of nowhere tonight and those always turn out the best for some reason...

I will post the "recipe" tomorrow & the reason I use quotations is that I'll admit right now... I'm organized about a lot of things, but NOT cooking. So if you decide to follow/read any of my recipes, they will most likely be all over the place and I apologize in advance, but it's not going to change, it's the way I cook. I don't have a method or a process, I don't measure and I just add things. So, if you choose to actually make any of the recipes I post, please DON'T stress, it doesn't matter if you goof up and add a little too much or not quite enough, because chances are, I did too. EXCEPT for baking, as anyone knows...baking should be pretty precise. Matter of fact, I'm currently working up my very own cupcake batters this summer. Whether I share or not will be the question :) :) :)

Night y'all

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Okay, so I'm trying mobile blogging for the SECOND time, just seeing if it works...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad