Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Marshmellow Sculpture

Okay, so this post has nothing to do with photography so please don't judge.  I shot these quick pix with my very first digital camera ever.  Let's just say ANCIENT. 
Carrying on...it's always nice to take a step back and do something you did when you were five.  We really enjoyed this "just for fun" project and many were very creative.  Take time this week and do something you would have done when you were five, do it with a friend or a real five year if you can.  Appreciate it. Stay childlike at heart.  It feels good.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So, I have been really down in the dumps lately.  You know, a rut as they call it.  I'm not out yet but I realized something today when I was leaving Target.  It was nothing that I didn't already know, but yet, was one of those moments where God re-reminds you.  I went to do some Christmas shopping and grab a few household items that we needed ourselves.  I paid the cashier and two of the items I had bought were cat food and a big jug of apple cider, in which I told the guy at the register that he didn't have to bag.  As I was walking out, I remembered I had parked out front in a spot that you can't take carts.  So I asked a girl who worked there who happened to be right up front if I could put the cat food in a bag to make it easier to carry with the other bags and the big jug.  So she helped me get it into a bag and then took my cart for me because my hands were so full.  I said "Oh, Thank You" and she replied so sweetly "No problem sweetheart, have wonderful day".  And that right there, made my day.

I know everyone has their bad days, but why can't everyone be so kind most of the time?  Kindness is contagious people, why can't we see that?  It made me think of the lady that works at the 7-11 that is on my way to work.  I used to stop there all of the time but now I do just once in a blue  moon when there is no other option for coffee and no matter what day and no matter how early it is, she is SO nice.  I hear her say the kindest things to people and to me when I check out, that it just makes you want to pay it forward, give it right back to her. What goes around comes around, I strongly believe that in whatever context you want to take it for and even though I know 7-11 probably isn't her dream job, she makes it the best of what it is and she is going to get the best back someday, I know it.

So, the moral of my rambling story is that I am counting my blessings tonight.  My life may not be perfect and I may want what I cannot have but I have SO MUCH to be grateful for and my #1 is family and I am also blessed with the rare blessing of having the closest, tightes knot of friends one could ask for.  When people tell me how rare it is to have a group like we do, I do not take it for granted and KNOW exactly what they are seeing.  I couldn't imagine looking from the outside in, I wouldn't believe it either.

Take a look around, and no matter how easy or how hard it may be, count your blessings tonight with me.  We are so Lucky.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thanksgiving Take 2

We looked up the Grace Cathedral Online before we even left Orlando.  I was very excited to visit and was even more excited when I visited the online calendar that said there was a Thanksgiving service at 10 a.m.  on Thanksgiving morning. Scott and I woke up, got ready and headed to a coffee shop to split a ham sandwich, coffee and hot chocolate.  We were very close to the church and figured we'd need to be there early.  We took photos outside and then headed in.  Nobody was there.  A member was walking out and told us there wasn't a service except for a collaborative one several blocks away at a Baptist Church.  I was so disappointed.  I wanted to experience a service at this amazing Episcopal Church, especially on Thanksgiving.  At least it was open to the public and we were able to see inside.  They let us roam the entire church, through the back, the chapels...everything.  I took over 80 photos of the experience.

 Absolutely breathtaking

 Fisherman's Wharf
 Dungeness Crab Take Two...add lobster bisque & a sourdough breadbowl too

 Fiddler's Green San Francisco, a favorite WP bar
 Lombard Street
 View from the cable car with Alcatraz in the background
 Our San Fran Hotel...Top of the Mark is way up at the top

 Thanksgiving dinner and champagne
 Nothing like starting Thanksgiving dinner off with clam chowda...
 ...and finishing it off with a homemade Irish Coffee from the original location.
Thanks for reading.  Cheers!!